Society of Australian Genealogists
Getting Started on Your Family History
Thursday 28 October (10.30am - 12.30pm) - members only - Are you wondering how to get started, or what questions to ask? This opportunity is especially for new members with no family history research experience. Learn the fundamentals to start you on the road, and where to find and ask for help. Members Only. Special Price of $10.00. Bookings Essential.
Lost in the Internet 2010
Saturday 30 & Sunday 31 October (10.00am-4.00pm) -
Held at the State Library of NSW. Come along to the SAG's annual weekend seminar to learn about the latest on free-to-view and pay-to-view sites, review social networking, consider privace and etiquette concerns, look to maximising your Google-ing experience and much more. See full programme here. Bookings Essential. $95 ($115 non-members).