SAG events for May 2011 include:
Saturday 21 May (9.00am) orientation tour - Members only. A one hour orientation tour of our library at 379 Kent Street - find out how the library is set out and what services we offer there. Bookings Essential.
Thursday 26 May (10.30am - 12.30pm) Getting Started on Your Family History This opportunity is especially for new members with no family history research experience. Learn the fundamentals to start you on the road, and where to find and ask for help. Members Only.
Saturday 28 May (10.00am - 4.00pm) Schools, Teachers & Pupils Day. How to find records relating to schools, teachers and pupils through to the 20th century. Learning about an ancestor’s education or the perceived lack of it, need not be just about finding a pupil’s name on a school roll, join us to learn why.
Full list of events at SAG website.