Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lake Macquarie Art Gallery - Convict Stories from the Hunter

A very fine river: convict stories from the Hunter.

In 1797, while searching for a boat seized in Sydney Cove by convict escapees, Lieutenant Shortland sailed into the opening of a river, which he described 'a very fine coal river'. A convict camp called King’s Town was established soon after which became notorious as a place of incarceration. A very fine river… draws on the work of five Hunter-based artists: Sophia Emmett, Ruth Feeney, Carolyn McKay, Tara Standing and Ryan Williams. In each case, the artists not only reflect on this important period of history, but also explore how the past continues to resonate in the present.
A gallery project curated by Rob Cleworth and Nicole Chaffey in consultation with Newcastle Regional Museum and the Aboriginal Reference Group.

Lake Macquarie Art Gallery, 25 July to 19 October.