From the Maitland Mercury report:
Stanford Merthyr grandfather Darryl Cook will reunite with past workmates in June to mark the start of the BHP steelworks 100 years ago.
While the steelworks closed 15 years ago many of the workers still feel they belong there.
A feeling born out of strong sense of camaraderie.
Mr Cook started his boilermaker’s apprenticeship there in 1966 at just 14 years, 10 months old.
Hunter residents, especially past BHP workers and their families, are invited to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Newcastle Steelworks opening on June 2 at 10am.
Newcastle Industrial Heritage Association will host the event at “The Muster Point” entrance to the former Steelworks on the corner of Industrial Drive and Selwyn Street, Mayfield.
Full article available at Maitland Mercury, May 25, 2015.