On 3 January 2017 the Development Application for the History House Project was approved. This year the focus has been on fundraising efforts, with an additional $375,000 raised so far in 2017.
The next major milestone is to undertake geotechnical investigations in the loading dock at the Phillip Lane Entrance. These tests will be used to validate the detailed structural design plans. Permissions to undertake these tests are currently being submitted to the Office of Environment and Heritage.
The Society would like to thank its members and friends for their ongoing support for this project as we enter the pre-construction phase of our plans. The building extensions will provide increased space to members, visitors and staff, improved disability access, provide for the urgent and necessary replacement of the building’s lift, and include space for digital media initiatives. It will ensure the long-term operational and financial viability of the RAHS so we can continue to deliver our overall constitutional objective – the advancement of education in the field of Australian history.
RAHS History House project further information.