On Tuesday, 1 August, the Maitland & District Historical Society’s guest speaker will be Judy Nicholson, the Local Studies Librarian at the Maitland City Library. Her topic will be ‘Photographing Maitland in the Nineteenth Century’.
In this talk, Judy will touch on early photographic equipment and processes, but her main purposes will be to identify the main photographers who were active in Maitland between 1845 and 1900 and to provide examples of their work. Among the first... commercial photographers of Maitland were Morris Moss, George Kedwell, Harrie Ballard, Ernest Cameron and Jacob Audet. Some of these men focused on studio portraits of individuals and small groups and on business advertising, but a few did outside work capturing such things as river scenes and grand houses. In these early days of photography there were many who operated studios, and they left behind rich bodies of work about the people and places they captured.
The talk will be given at 5.30pm on Tuesday, 1 August at the Society’s Rooms at 3 Cathedral St, Maitland, and members of the public are most welcome. The Society asks for a gold coin donation to cover the costs of refreshments.
Contact details for the Maitland & District Historical Society are:
Phone: 0438 623299
Email: maitlandhistorical @gmail.com